Fire Risk Assessment
Areas covered


The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order (2005) states that it is the responsibility of the person in charge of non-domestic premises to ensure that a fire risk assessment is in place and further ensure reasonable steps have been implemented to minimise the risk associated with fire.
If you operate or have control of a premises you are likely to have the responsibility for fire safety.
Fire safety law requires you to:
- Assess fire safety risks
- Have reasonable measures in place to reduce the risk of fire
- Put in place measures to protect people from harm caused by fire
This information must be recorded if:
- You employ more than 5 people
- A licence is in force in relation to the premises
- An alterations notice is in force
You could be directly responsible for complying with this legislation if you are an employer (even self employed), are a landlord or have control of a business premises.
About this Process
All ProTech employees are DBS certified.
Call For a Quote:
0800 246 5725
Related Services
Fire Extinguisher Services
Fire Doors
General Risk Assessments
ProTech can work with you to ensure sufficient procedures (method statements) and risk assessments are in place for high risk activities in your building.
If you require further information please contact us and we can work together on the solution that is right for you.
Fire and Health & Safety General
ProTech is able to work with you to develop all aspects of your premises health & Safety procedures including:
- Evacuation procedures
- Fire marshall training
- Emergency evacuation plans
- Health & safety policy
- Fire policy/procedures
If you require further information please contact us and we can work together on the Health & Safety solution that is right for you.
The Fire Safety Assessment Report
A fire risk assessment is a systematic and organised check of your premises. The procedure identifies and assesses the potential risk of fire hazards.
The aim of a fire risk assessment is:
- Identify potential hazards
- Reduce the risk
- Outline precautions and management policies
Do the fire safety regulations apply to my business?
Fire safety regulations apply to anyone who is either an:
- owner
- landlord
- employer
- occupier
- anyone else with the control over the premises
It also applies if you have paying guests, for example, B&B, guesthouse or self-catering.
How much does a fire risk assessment cost?
There are numbers of different factors which impact the cost of fire risk assessment. The most common factors are listed bellows:
- Number of buildings
- Size of buildings
- Number of floors
- Number of occupants
- The risk level
It all depends on how long the assessment takes to evaluate the potential risk.